Most important part of a good SEO is to add meta tags in your blog. It is strongly recommended that you must add meta tags in your blog if you wish to your blog to get more traffic and get good results. These are few things that a new blogger don't knows and they just give up without knowing that they are ignoring the most important part of blogging, i.e, SEO.
Here is a small guide to help you to add meta tag to your blog
Step 5 : Save the template.
Here is a small guide to help you to add meta tag to your blog
Add Meta Tag To Your Blog For Better SEO
Step 1 : Open your blogger dashboard. Now go to "Template" and click on "Edit HTML".
Step 2 : Click anywhere inside the code box and then using the keys Control+F open the search box.
Step 3 : In search box write <head> and hit enter button to find it.
Step 4 : Now just below <head> , copy and paste the following given code.
<b:include data='blog' name='all head content'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<title><> - <data:blog.title/></title>
<meta content='Write your blog description here' name='description'/>
<meta content='Write your keywords here' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Your name here' name='Author'/>
<meta content='Your E-mail address' name='Email'>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='document' name='resource-type'/>
<meta content='all' name='robots'/>
<meta content='id' name=''/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
<meta content='id' name='language'/>
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content=global' name='distribution'/>
<meta content='Your country name' name='geo.placename'/>
<meta content='Your E-mail address' name='Email'>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='document' name='resource-type'/>
<meta content='all' name='robots'/>
<meta content='id' name=''/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
<meta content='id' name='language'/>
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content=global' name='distribution'/>
<meta content='Your country name' name='geo.placename'/>
Write your blog description here : Replace it with the description of your blog. Write a small summary of your blog in around 120-150 words and tell what type of content your blog contains.
Write your keywords here : Replace it with 8-10 keywords of your blog subjects which your are using on your blog.
Your name here : Replace it with your name.
Your E-mail address : Replace it with your own Email address.
Your country name : Replace it with your country name.
Step 5 : Save the template.
That's it. You are done with it. I hope you successfully added meta tags in your blog.