You always try to write your content in the best way so that your users can get the most our of it. There are so many other ways by which you can improve your content quality. You can add Video, graphs, pictures etc. One of the similar method to give more information to your readers is to embed a power point presentation in your post. A power point presentation gives your readers so much information in a beautiful way and it also makes your blog more professional.
In this post, I will show you how to embed a PowerPoint presentation your blog post. Follow the steps given below carefully.
In this post, I will show you how to embed a PowerPoint presentation your blog post. Follow the steps given below carefully.
Add/Embed PowerPoint Presentation In Your Blog Post
Step 1 : First of all, you have to create a account at SlideShare. Go to and fill some simple details. You can also sign up with your Facebook or Linkedln account.
Step 2 : After successfully completing your sign up process, click on Upload button on the top right part of web page and upload your PowerPoint presentation.
Fill all the details of that presentation and make it public.
Step 3 : After uploading your presentation, go to 'My Uploads' section and select your uploaded PowerPoint.
Step 4 : Now, go to that file and click on share button. Now you will find more than 1 code. Copy the 'Embed' code as shown below.
Step 5 : Now go to your blogger account. Go to Post section and edit the post or create new post. Edit the post in HTML form and paste that code there.
Step 6 : Complete your post and publish it. That's it. You have successfully embed your PowerPoint presentation in your post.
I hope this tutorial helped you to embed your PowerPoint presentation in your blog's post. You have any problem using it then feel free to ask below in the comments.