In default bloggers templates and many third party templates also, you have seen at the end of post, there is a "Subscribe to : Posts(Atom)" link to subscribe to the Atom feeds. But almost all blogger use RSS for their blog feeds. Also most of the users don't understand the meaning of "Subscribe to : Posts(Atom) so they just ignore this. It is just useless and most of the bloggers wants to remove it from their blog.
Here is a small tutorial which will help you to remove it in just few simple steps.
Here is a small tutorial which will help you to remove it in just few simple steps.
Remove "Subscribe To : Posts (Atom)" From Blogger
Step 1 : Open your blogger dashboard. Now go to "Template" and then click on "Edit HTML".
Step 2 : Now click anywhere inside the code and using the keys Control+F, open the search box.
Step 3 : Now write the code given below in this box and hit enter to find it.
<b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>
Step 4 : Now remove this line and save the template. Thats all you have to do.
I hope this tutorial helped you in removing "Subscribe to : Posts Atom from your blog.