Number of post and comments are the 2 things which tells the success of any blog. More comment your blog gets, more the trust builds among readers and the rank and traffic improves. Also, a successful blogger writes new post consistently. So it also have a good number of articles.
In this post, I am going to tell you about a widget by which you can show total number of posts and comments on your blog to you audience. If you have a good number of post and comments, then it will create a good impression about your blog towards new readers.
<div style="font: 25px Georgia;">
Total Number Of Comments: <script src=""></script></div>
In this post, I am going to tell you about a widget by which you can show total number of posts and comments on your blog to you audience. If you have a good number of post and comments, then it will create a good impression about your blog towards new readers.
Widget To Show Total Number of Post and Comment In Your Blog
Step 1 : Open your blogger's dashboard. Go to Layout>>Add a widget >> HTML/Javascript.
Step 2 : Copy and paste the following below code into it.
<script>function mbhTotalCount(json) {document.write(parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10));}</script><div style="font: 25px Georgia;">
Total Published Posts: <script src=""></script></div><div style="font: 25px Georgia;">
Total Number Of Comments: <script src=""></script></div>
Step 3 : Replace myonlinedestination with your blog's url.
Step 4 : Save the widget.
That's it. You have successfully added that widget to your blog. Now, your blog will show total number of posts and comments till date to your readers.
I hope this small guide helped you in adding this widget on your blog. If you have queries, then feel free to ask in the comments below or you can email me also.
Thanks for reading.