Blogger gave you the option to transfer your blog with one account to another. Sometimes it happens with many bloggers that they have to change the account due to some reason. Maybe they have a another gmail account so they wants that account to connect with their blog. It may also happen that they just want to increase the authors of their blog or they permanently wants to transfer their blog to any of their friend. In this small tutorial, I will show you how easily you can do this all.
Transfer Blogger Blog From One Account To Another
Step 1 : Open your blogger's dashbaord. Go to 'Settings'.
Step 2 : Now look at 'Permission' section and click on '+Add authors' as shown below.
Step 3 : Now write the Email address of the account which you want to add. Click on 'Invite Author'.
Step 4 : Check the inbox of the new account. You will find a invitation Email. Open it and accept invitation.
That's all you have to done. You have successfully added a new account to your blog.
Note : The invitation Email is only valid for 1 month. After 1 month you cannot accept that invitation, then you have to again repeat the process.
Remove The Blog From The Old Account
To remove the old account from your blog again go to 'Settings' and then in Permission section, click the cross mark in front of the old Email.
You have successfully moved your blog from the old account to the new one. I hope this tutorial helped you to change author of your blog. If you have any problem, feel free to comment below.