Many of you have faced the problem of unwanted Emails in your inbox. I think everyone face this problem, some get huge number of Emails while other may get less but everyone will be receiving those unwanted annoying Emails. This happens because we have entered our Email in many websites in need of some information or any downloadable file. But our Email will be permanently included in their records and they start to send us unnecessary Emails.
Yes there is a way that we can unsubscribe to each newsletter but it will take plenty of time and hard work if we have a huge number of Emails. In this post, I will show you a different way to unsubscribe those newsletters easily and fast.
Yes there is a way that we can unsubscribe to each newsletter but it will take plenty of time and hard work if we have a huge number of Emails. In this post, I will show you a different way to unsubscribe those newsletters easily and fast.
Unsubscribe Unwanted Emails at Once
1. Go to Unroll me
2. Click on 'Get Started Now' and enter your Email.
3. Click on Continue and then accept the terms as shown below.
4. Now you will see how many subscription you already have. Then continue to next step.
5. Now click on 'Unsubscribe' in front of those subscriptions which you want to unsubscribe. Take your time and don't do in a hurry.
6. You can see how many you have unsubscribed. Now just click on 'Finish'.
That's it. You are done. Now your inbox will be free from annoying Emails.
Note : To unsubscribe more than 5 newsletters, you have to share their link. Its easy to do this and won't take too much time.