Saturday, 16 May 2015

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How To Install Google Fonts On Blogger Blog

Nowadays, people are not using the same fonts given by blogger. They just trying to customize their blog in every aspect and the font is one of them. We can easily use our desired fonts on our blog's titles and body content. You can easily host your fonts on a server by paying a decent amount. You can also use some free services like Google Fonts to make your blog's fonts beautiful.

How To Install Google Fonts On Blogger Blog

Google fonts is the largest font's inventory. It has thousands of different fonts and the implementation is also very easy. In this post, I will show you how can install a Google Font on your blogger blog. Follow the steps given below and start using the attractive Google Fonts on your blog without spending a penny.

How To Install Google Fonts On Blogger Blog

Step 1 : Go to Google Fonts and you will be able to see the free inventory of web fonts. Take your time and look for the best font for your requirement. You can write a sample text and see how it looks. 
How To Install Google Fonts On Blogger Blog

Step 2 : After selecting your favorite font style, click on 'Quick Use' button and proceed to next step.
How To Install Google Fonts On Blogger Blog

Step 3 : Now choose the size of the font according to the need of your blog. You can choose more than one options but this will decrease the page speed of your blog. There is also a page speed meter shown on the right part of the page. Try to be in the green part of it.

How To Install Google Fonts On Blogger Blog

Step 4 : Now scroll down the page and you will see a link. Copy the link in a notepad file and proceed to next step.

How To Install Google Fonts On Blogger Blog

Step 5 : Open your blogger account. Go to 'Template' and edit the template in HTML form. Search for </head> and paste the copied code just above it.
Remember, you have to put </link> after the copied text to close the <link> tag.

Step 6 : To use the font, you have to integrate it with your CSS
How To Install Google Fonts On Blogger Blog

1. If you want to implement it on your title, the you will use the following code-
    .post-title {font-family: 'FONT NAME'; } 

2. If you want to implement it on your post body, then you will use the following code-
   .post-body {font-family: 'FONT NAME'; }

3. If you don't want to implement the font style on a certain portion of your text, the use the following code - 
   <span style="font-family: FONT NAME;">Your-Text-Here</span>

After successfully going over the above steps, you will have your desired font style on your blog.

I hope this tutorial helped you to install your preferred font style on your blogger blog. If you faced any difficulty in using it, then feel free to ask in the comments below.