Sometimes you may want to hide some specific pictures or videos or may be any other personal documents which you don't want to show others. May be you are a parent who wants to hide something from your children or a child who wants to hide his personal things from your parents or siblings.
Most of the people knows how to hide a folder by simply going into its properties and hide it. This will definitely hide that folder but you are not fully sure that it will be safe from others because those who have a little knowledge of computers can easily reach it.
In this post, I will show you a different method to hide a folder from your computer after which no one will reach it. Only you have the information to see that folder and its contents. You will also going to learn some new things about command prompt. Follow all the steps very carefully.
Most of the people knows how to hide a folder by simply going into its properties and hide it. This will definitely hide that folder but you are not fully sure that it will be safe from others because those who have a little knowledge of computers can easily reach it.
In this post, I will show you a different method to hide a folder from your computer after which no one will reach it. Only you have the information to see that folder and its contents. You will also going to learn some new things about command prompt. Follow all the steps very carefully.
Hide Private Folder Using Command Prompt or CMD
Step 1 : First, open cmd. (To open cmd or command prompt, go to start >> run and inside it type cmd and hit enter. A black screen will appear)
Step 2 : In the above picture, you will see a address which is by default. It can be any other name on your system. Here now we will in C drive. We are currently in the folder name 'KD' which is inside in another folder 'Users'.
Now suppose, I want to hide a folder 'wallpapers'. The path of this folder is - E:\Cricket\Wallpapers.
To do this task first we have to change our drive from C to E.
Write E: to change it.
Step 3 : Now we are in the E drive. Now, we are required to go inside the folder cricket because our final folder which we want to hide is inside it. To go inside a folder we will use a command 'cd'. Every time when you want to go inside a folder, type 'cd your folder name' and hit enter.
Here I will type 'cd cricket'.
Step 4 : So we are finally inside the folder 'Cricket'. Now we aim to hide the folder 'Wallpapers' which is in cricket. We don't have to go inside it. We will do this task from here only.
To hide the folder 'wallpapers' we will write - " attrib +S +H +R wallpapers". Press enter button and this folder will no more be shown.
Step 5 : Congrats! You have successfully hidden a folder from others. Now, no one will ever reach those files. But the problem is that you also can't use it. So you have to unhide it to reach and use its content. Its not a big task, just type "attrib -S -H -R wallpaper" and everything will be restored.
Note : You must always remember the path of the hidden folder because you will not be able to unhide it without knowing its correct path.
I hope this tutorial will be helpful for you to hide your personal data on your computer. If you face any problem in doing this then feel free to ask me in the comments below or you can also mail me. I will be happy to help you. Share this with your friends too.